official newsletter #4

good art by tom eccles wow
whoa hi!!! sorry we missed last month's newsletter, we were super busy during decemberween. we've been working hard so we can make a really cool teaser video, so we can't show everything we've been working on ;~)
we made some cool new text bubbles for non-dialogue stuff. now NPCs can talk to eachother or yell things to you from far away!! now characters will be sad if you run away mid-conversation. cool neat
we're also working on some creatures that you can play with and slap around, this is a CORAL BOY. he's some kind of creature that grew into a porous cube of coral. he's hanging out in Peanut Road, one of the early areas of the game we've been working on. work in progress!!

(click for big version)

in case you missed it, we put up a shop where you can buy cool posters, including a burrito galaxy one by jordan speer!!!

ty i love u. bye