official newsletter #2
Q: what is this?
A: a video game
hello!! if you didn't miss the first newsletter, welcome back! we're glad you didn't unsubscribe!! if you're new to the newsletter, welcome! it's a newsletter about a video game wow neat.
we've been working on some SECRET and EXPERIMENTAL content over the past month, but who cares!!!! we're gonna show you some of it anyway!!!
we're playing around with a new device that can be used to move around the world. they're basically heelys, and we think they are a pretty good idea. here's a video that takes place in a TEST ROOM that we didn't at all make just for this newsletter:
the device might be super important to the game, or we could scrap it completely!!! who knows... it's fun to use though!!
we've been putting a lot of work into the HOTEL HUB as well. for example, the hotel owner has a SURVEILLANCE DRONE that monitors the area. we made a video with a ton of them in one area cuz it was funny.
check it out, wanna show you this super cool track by
kfaraday that'll be in the game!! we plan on using this for the FOREST AVOCORE ZONE. there's a large forest in burrito galaxy that grows from a giant avocado. there's something super weird going on down there though... i wonder what...
new song!!
also here's a cool comic about BEANDREW, one of the main characters in burrito galaxy.
and finally, here's a picture of a hot dog. a VERY EXPERIMENTAL food. doesn't it make you hungry